The Barrier

Texas consistently ranks lowest among all states in registration, turnout, and civic engagement. 

Too often, apathy is blamed for non-participation – but in states with rules that encourage participation, voter turnout is over 70%, while in states with complicated rules that end up turning citizens away, less than half of its voters stay home. 

Voter suppression is real. 

It can take the form of a legislature passing overly complex and unnecessary laws, a secretary of state attempting to purge naturalized citizens from the voter rolls, an attorney general harshly prosecuting people who make honest mistakes, or even straight up voter intimidation.

Voter suppression – in all its forms – threatens voting rights and harms our democracy by insidiously creating barriers between Texans and the ballot box.

The Solution

We’re committed to fight voter suppression at every turn.

Get your elected officials to take the pledge to do the same.

Politicians need to understand that when they make it harder for Texans to vote, Texans are going to make it harder for them to get re-elected. The Let Texas Vote candidate survey will start getting candidates for all statewide and legislative offices on the record on our reform agenda starting in the primaries where many of those races will be decided.

Policies of exclusion make our system less democratic. True democracy is inclusive and accessible.